Additional costs for leases


1.Billing of the lease (§ 33 TP 5 GebG):

1% of the gross rent (including VAT) for the duration of the contract, not more than 18 times the annual value, or 1% of the triple annual value for an indefinite term of contract. The lender (or in whose representation, for example, the broker, property manager, lawyer or notary) is obliged to charge the fee itself and pay. In the case of fixed-term contracts for buildings or parts of buildings which are predominantly used for residential purposes, the fees are limited to three times the annual value.

2. Contract costs according to agreement within the framework of the tariff regulations of the respective document erector.


For the calculation of the commission the gross rent is used.

This consists of:

·      Principal or sub-contract, proportionate operating costs and current public charges,

·        Share for any special expenses (eg Li1),

·        any fee for rented furnishing and equipment or other additional services of the landlord.

For the calculation of the commission basis the sales tax is not to be included in the gross rent.

The heating costs are also not to be included when it comes to the brokering of tenancies in an apartment, in which according to the rental regulations, the amount of the rent may not be freely agreed (reasonable rent, indicative rent).

A commission for special compensation of up to 5% may additionally be agreed with the previous tenant.

Mediation by real estate agents

Maximum commission (acc. to §§ 19ff IMV 1996) plus 20 % UST.

with the mediation of main or sublease to

 Apartments, single-family homes

Contract duration



• undefined time


Deadline more than 3 years.

3 gross monthly rent at best + 5% of the special compensation.

2 gross monthly rent

• Deadline no more than 3 years.

3 gross monthly rent
+ 5% of the special compensation.

1 gross monthly rent

• if extended to more than 3 years

or for undefined time.

Supplement on 3 gross monthly rent

Supplement on

½ gross monthly rent

Sub-leases for individual dwellings, regardless of duration.

1 gross monthly rent

1 gross monthly rent

Maximum commission (acc. to §§ 19ff IMV 1996) plus 20 % UST. with the mediation of main or sublease to

Business premises of all kinds

• undefined time


Deadline more than 3 years.

3 gross monthly rent at best
+ 5% of the special compensation.

3 gross monthly rent

• Deadline at least 3 years and  

 no more than 3 years.

3 gross monthly rent
+ 5% of the special compensation.

2 gross monthly rent

• Deadline less than 2 years

3 gross monthly rent

+ 5% of the special compensation.

1 gross monthly rent

• if extended to more than 3 years

or for undefined time.

Supplement on

3 gross monthly rent

Supplement on

1 gross monthly rent

The transfer of the landlord's commision (max 3 BMM) to the business tenant can be agreed (§ 12 IMVO).

Additional costs for leases
1. Billing of the lease contract (§ 33 TP 5 GebGes): 1% of the gross night-time interest for the duration of the contract; for an indefinite duration of contract 1% of the triple annual gross rent.
2. Contract costs according to the tariffs of the respective document erector
3. Agency commission
a) Leases, especially in agriculture and forestry
A commission may be agreed with both principals for brokering the leasing of real estate or property parts, which is determined as a percentage of the lease interest payable on the lease term.
For an indefinite lease period, 5% of the 5-year lease.
For a specific lease period
· Up to 6 years .............................................................................................. 5 %
· Up to 12 years ............................................................................................ 4%
· Up to 24 years ............................................................................................ 3%
· Over 24 years ................................................................................................ 2%
each plus 20% VAT.
In addition, a commission of 3% of the equivalent value plus 20% VAT may be granted for the procurement of affiliation. be agreed.
b) Corporate Lease For an indefinite lease period, 3 times the monthly rent.
For a specific lease period
· Up to 5 years ............................................................................................. 5 %
·  Up to 10 years ............................................................................................ 4%
· Over 10 years ................................................................................................ 3%
each plus 20% VAT.
5% of the amount paid by the lessee for this purpose may be agreed with the lessor or lessor for arranging settlements for investments or furnishings.